React static入門


React staticってなに?


$ yarn global add react-static
yarn global v1.5.1
[1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
[2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
[3/4] 🔗  Linking dependencies...
[4/4] 📃  Building fresh packages...
success Installed "react-static@5.6.8" with binaries:
      - react-static
✨  Done in 55.27s.

試す: プロジェクト作成〜Hello world

$ react-static create

? What should we name this project? tryReactStatic
? Select a template below... basic
=> Creating new react-static project...

Using template: basic
=> Installing dependencies with: Yarn...

=> [✓] Project "tryReactStatic" created: 32126.416ms

  => To get started:

    cd tryReactStatic

    yarn start - Start the development server
    yarn build - Build for production
    yarn serve - Test a production build locally
  • ディレクトリを移動して、yarnでRunする
    • ビルドされてから、ローカルサーバーが立ち上がり、サイトが確認できる
$ cd tryReactStatic
$ yarn start
yarn run v1.5.1
$ react-static start
=> Building Routes...
=> [✓] Routes Built: 398.358ms
=> Building App Bundle...
=> [✓] Build Complete: 4145.172ms
=> [✓] App serving at http://localhost:3000

編集する: ディレクトリ構成〜Home画面の修正

├── dist # ビルドした本番用ファイル置き場
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── public # 静的ファイル置き場
├── src      # ソースコード置き場
│   ├── App.js # 
│   ├── app.css # 
│   ├── containers # 各ページのJSコード
│   ├── index.js # 
│   └── logo.png
├── static.config.js # 設定ファイル
├── tmp
└── yarn.lock
  • containersの中のHome.jsのテキストを修正
  • 再ビルドとサーバ立ち上げ -> Home画面が修正されてる
$ tree src/containers/
├── 404.js
├── About.js
├── Blog.js
├── Home.js
└── Post.js
$ vi src/containers/Home.js
$ yarn start

デプロイする: 本番用ビルドする

  • yarn buildでビルドする
$ yarn build
yarn run v1.5.1
$ react-static build

=> Info: No 'siteRoot' is defined in 'static.config.js'. This is suggested for absolute url's and a sitemap.xml to be automatically generated.

=> Copying public directory...
=> [✓] Public directory copied: 1.624ms
=> Building Routes...
=> [✓] Routes Built: 329.341ms
=> Bundling App...
=> [✓] App Bundled: 6516.959ms
=> Fetching Site Data...
=> [✓] Site Data Downloaded: 0.126ms
=> Fetching Route Data...
=> [==================================================================] 104/104 100% 14857/s 0.0s
=> [✓] Route Data Downloaded: 9.490ms
=> Exporting Route Data...
=> [✓] Route Data Exported: 10.393ms
=> Exporting HTML...
=> [====================================================================] 104/104 100% 208/s 0.0s
=> [✓] HTML Exported: 563.963ms
=> Site is ready for production!: 7860.281ms
✨  Done in 10.77s.
$ tree dist/ -L 1
├── 404
├── 404.html
├── about
├── blog
├── bootstrap.943eaf03.js
├── index.html
├── main.31e220f4.js
├── react-static-routes.js
├── robots.txt
├── routeInfo.json
├── static
├── static.ffae8488.js
├── styles.20041c42.css
├── styles.8db21466.css
└── templates